Sunday, November 10, 2013

Constructive Conversation Poster

This is totally not what I should be working on right now, but there is a lot of  information flying at me with the CCC course, and slowing down & making a visual helped me digest this concept :)

I've done a lot of think*pair*share, and this course is encouraging me to go beyond quick talk time and to really work with students on how to talk, what to talk about, how to explain themselves, how to build on each others ideas, how to be an active learner during a conversation.  I like it!

Happy teaching!  Michelle 

PS  Not sure if this will work since it's a class that had a registration deadline (although it was free) but I thought I'd try posting the link to a video on Ingredients for High Quality Conversations. It's a free MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) so I hope it's ok to post it. Check it out HERE...hope it works!