Liebster details...this award is passed around to blogs with less than 200 followers as a way to connect, highlight new bloggers, and find new blogs. The rules are:
There are a few rules/guidelines:
1. You have to link back to the blog(s) that nominated you.
2. Answer the questions posted by the person that nominated you.
3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5 more blogs that have less than 200 followers.
5. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answers.
Tiffany at Middle School Stories and Karie at Anchored in the Middle have both nominated me; thanks SO MUCH ladies!! I appreciate it! Since both of you nominated me, I am going to take questions from each :)
Questions from Tiffany:
1. Where did you go to college, and what was your degree in?
I went to Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota, where I grew up. I double majored in English and Spanish with a Middle School Endorsement. I got my MAEd from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN.
I went to Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota, where I grew up. I double majored in English and Spanish with a Middle School Endorsement. I got my MAEd from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN.
2. What is your favorite professional book?
Well, hmmm. I have to include a few. I have to say that Nancie Atwell is one of my favorite standard teacher authors as I used lots of her principles and ideas to start teaching in a more effective way. I love Heather Lattimer's Thinking Through Genre as it added a whole lot more to my units, and I am trying to work through Harvey Daniels' & Nancy Steineke's Mini-Lessons for Literature Circles because he has lots of great ideas. Can I mention Fountas and Pinnell's Guiding Readers and Writers as a Bible as well?
3. What is your must have food/drink/candy to get through a day at school?
Water, water, and more water. I also have to keep something like a Detour Bar (something with high protein) nearby.
4. How many years have you been teaching?
This will be my 15th year teaching! I've been in the same position the whole time, but the format has definitely changed over the years.
5. What makes you most excited for the new school year?
As with any new school year, I am excited to start fresh, to try new ideas, to try to teach more effectively. It will also be my second year co-planning with colleagues, which has been SO incredibly awesome. My teaching is definitely stronger than it ever has been.
Questions from Karie:
1. What was your favorite subject in school?
School was pretty easy for me, and I liked almost everything. I probably liked English and Spanish the best, though!
2. Why did you begin blogging?
I began blogging to share, connect, be helpful.
3. What is your dream vacation?
I'd love to take my husband to Europe!! My other dream vacation is an all-inclusive resort where it is 75 degrees, sunny, and restful.
4. If you were not an educator, what would you be?
With my second son, I spent 3 weeks on hospital bed rest (during a 12 week bed rest stint), 20 days with him in the NICU, and 6 days at Children's when he had RSV/pneumonia at 6 months old. If I wasn't teaching, I'd love to work in a children's hospital helping/supporting families who are there.
5. Do you have any "guilty pleasure" television shows you watch?
We don't have cable, and I don't think Nova or Antique's Roadshow count ha ha! My husband and I only have two shows that we watch together: Downton Abbey and Mad Men. Our daycare provider's son in real life is Vinnie Kartheiser who plays Pete Campbell on Mad Men, so we love to watch!!
6. What is your favorite childhood memory?
My parents were both teachers, and so we always spent summers at our lake cabin in rural North Dakota. Love those memories!! Campfires, my dad playing guitar, bouncing on the bunk beds...
11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I am a middle kid true-to-role and happy in the middle :)
2. I was in an all-girl punk band named Madaline when I was in late high school and college.
3. I was also a cheerleader from 7th - 12th grade.
4. My favorite sport to cheer for was wrestling, and I still love wrestling to this day.
5. I am married to an awesome guy who cooks, fixes things, and is generally awesome! This is the second time around for both of us, so we appreciate each other even more! Our 10-yr anniversary was this past May.
6. I have a 2 year old (Thomas), a 5 year old (Sam) who is heading into kindergarten, and a 17-yo step-daughter (Abbey) who will be a senior.
7. My dad was a 7th grade English teacher as well. My mom taught 1st grade. They are both retired, and since my childhood home flooded in the Minot flood of 2011, they are permanent RVers.
8. My husband is one of eight kids, and I am one of three kids. In our families combined, our parents included, there is at least one teacher in each of the 13 families.
9. I am horrible at finishing books. I just finished The House Girl for my book club, though!
10. I love, love, love x 200 being a mom!
11. One of my personal goals for this year is to hold at least one Story Bowl in Minneapolis I think it would be awesome.
And I Nominate:
1. Anna, a fabulous teacher-librarian at A to Z Library
And as the Liebster is being passed, I need to find blogs that are new and don't have them yet! next four may take a while. Thanks for your patience!
Questions for my Nominees:
1. What was your favorite subject in school?
2. Why did you go into teaching?
3. What has been your favorite place to travel to?
4. How many years have you taught, and what have you taught during that time?
5. What is your favorite YA or kids book?
6. What is your favorite adult reading book?
7. What do you most look forward to about the upcoming year?
8. What would make your school year easier?
9. If you weren't in education, what would you be?
10. Why did you begin blogging?
11. What's your favorite online resource?
Thanks again to Tiffany and Karie!
Happy teaching,
I'm glad I could nominate you!!! I really enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you more! I really enjoy your blog :)